Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Human Experience

Believe it or not, this life that you're living is being done so because you chose it, we all did.  Every human that has ever existed and will ever exist does so because as spirits we saw something intriguing about humans and the planet earth.  We looked at the lives that were being lived and felt like we wanted to know what it was all about.  We wanted to experience what we witnessed other people experiencing.  We wanted to know what being inside a human body felt like.  How the energy that is us would deal with human emotions and situations that brought about those emotions. I guess you could say we were like kids in a candy store.  So excited knowing that this would be something we could have.  We were in phase one of having the human experience. 

Phase one is where the fun begins because as we know, there are billions of planets to chose from.  They all have life being lived by the beings designated for that planet.  Earth is the house made just for humans and since we're talking about the human experience let's just keep it here.  If you're interested, we'll talk about the other lives later.  Now, while you're out there in the universe being the glorious spirit that you are, and scanning through the universal travel brochure, earth catches your eye.  You decide to confirm your reservations with the ultimate travel agent which is Source (God).  You get the "ok" to go,  but before you just head to the wondrous beach that is earth, you have to plan your itinerary.  This takes you into phase two.

Phase two, let's get to the good stuff.  So your flight is booked and you're excited about this vacation to humanity.  However, you can't leave just yet.  You have to set a purpose for the visit.  What do you want to accomplish while you're in this human life? No one plans a trip without having a reason for going.  So you decide, "I want to know what it's like to be famous, or I want to heal the world, or I want to show other's the meaning of love".  Whatever your purpose may be it is that of your own choosing.  Tomorrow I'll tell you how to remember WHY you came here in the first place.  Now that you've set your purpose and goals, you have to decide what gender you're going to be.  Sorry, this doesn't happen by chance in the womb.  Nothing happens by chance.  There is a divine order to ALL things, but I digress.  Now that you've chosen your gender, you next have to choose your parents.  YES, I know that might be a hard pill to swallow.  The fact that you chose your parents because not everyone had the greatest parents, but you saw something in them and choosing them could've been something you tied into your purpose in life.  Maybe you saw they weren't good and wanted to help change their lives, and if that is true, the fact that they may not have changed isn't a reflection on you.  So please don't beat yourself up about that.  Just continue to be the wonderful being that you are and enjoy the rest of your human vacation.  So now that you've completed phase two, it's on to the last and final phase.

Alright now, here we are.  The final phase before boarding your flight (being in the womb).  You've picked a destination (earth), planned out your schedule (chose your purpose), and now it's time to get your ticket (fertilizing the egg).  Your parents have met and come together to do what parents do in order to get you here.   Now that you have your ticket and you're safely aboard the plane, the final phase has begun.  As you enter into this world, you are now able to carry out all the things you set up for yourself before you got here.  So I hope that you enjoy your vacation of humanity and that you accomplish everything you set out to do.  Remember that vacations don't last forever.  At some point, it's going to be time for you to leave.  Make the most of it and have fun in the process.  Oh and remember, if you aren't happy with the way things turned out you can always come back.  

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