Sunday, January 22, 2017

Finding Your Purpose In Life

In the previous article, I talked about the human experience and how setting your purpose in life plays a key role in the process of becoming human.  Now I'm going to share with you the knowledge of how to remember your purpose.

One thing you must know is that there is nothing new in regards to the types of purposes one can set for themselves in having the human experience. What you wish to accomplish with your purpose and goals has already been accomplished by someone who has lived long before you.  It will only be new to you because it is you that has yet to experience it. So immediately after you have set your purpose for a human life, you enlist the help of a spiritual being that has already accomplished the same goals.  You sit down with your new spirit guide and create the big picture of what you want your life to be.  They, in turn, break down your big picture and use the universe to plant puzzle pieces in your path so that your purpose can be fulfilled.  Little clues here and there to help you remember why you came here and to give you the means to see it through.

Any time you stray from your life path your guide will place puzzle pieces in your way to help you get back on track.  These pieces could be in the form of events, people, circumstances or whatever means they see fit to help you.  Remember, they have a bird's eye view of your life and they're constantly looking out for your best interest.  Let's say your goal is to be an entrepreneur and you have an idea that if produced, will cause you to be just that.  However, you're afraid to leap out there and see it through.  So you stick with the job you're currently working and never make the effort to go for what you really want.  Your guide might blind you to an assignment to need to finish, causing you to lose your job.  Now while this may seem harsh, they're trying to show you that you're stronger than you think and fully capable of handling whatever comes your way.  No one said that your journey would be a smooth one.  The only guarantee that is given is when you finally do accomplish your goal it will be so satisfying that everything you had to endure to get there won't even matter anymore.

So how will you know if you're on the right path? How will you know if what you are doing or who you are with is in alignment with your purpose in life? The best way to answer that is by answering series of questions. 
  1. Do you wake up in the morning excited about what the new day will bring your way?
  2. Do you find yourself unable to sleep because what you're doing is so fulfilling that you can't seem to pull yourself away from it?
  3. If what you're doing suddenly stopped, would you do everything in your power to see that you're able to start it back up?
  4. Does the mere thought of what you're doing put a smile on your face? (not that barely there smile either, I mean the kind of smile that would make you feel stupid if someone caught you kind of smile)
  5. Does everything always seem to fall into place when you're working on this particular thing?
  6. Is this something you just can't live without? (you know, something so powerful that "happy" is a disrespect to compare it to when you're expressing the feeling that it brings you)

If your answer to those questions is "yes", then you're on the right path.  However, if the answer is "no", then you're not aligned with your true path and it's time for you to open your eyes and pay attention to the signs that your spirit guide is sending your way.  Don't have a pity party because you aren't where you want to be either because all that will do is cause you to stay there longer.  Instead, recognize and admit to where you are.  Then, open yourself up to accepting from your guide and the universe all the things you need in order to get on track.  It's going to take you out of your comfort zone, but in order to get to where you're going, you have to leave where you are.  Embrace your path and start walking in it.  No one deserves to live an unfulfilled life.  So now that you're at the end of this post, what are you going to do? 

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