Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Do You Love Your Job?

Most people go through life working jobs that they hate because they don’t know how to choose the career that is right for them.  The best way to end the cycle of unfulfilled employment is to determine what makes you happy.  No matter what it may be.  No matter who agrees with you.  No matter what other’s have to say about it.  You have to choose what makes our heart smile.  You have to set aside the notion that you must do a particular thing because someone else wants you to.  This is YOUR life and you must do what makes you happy.  Sure you may be good at something specific, but that doesn’t mean that it makes you happy.  You have to choose what sets your soul on fire.  Even if whatever you choose does not bring you financial riches.  Being happy within yourself holds a greater value than any money can buy.  Besides, if you’re doing what you love the universe will see to it that you have everything you need in order to sustain all of your physical needs.  It loves to take care of those following their passion.  Especially since it’s always placing things in your path to help fuel your fire.  So go for what keeps you up at night bursting with ideas.  Go for what wakes you up bright and early ready to take on the day.  Even if it’s something that no one has ever heard of before.  After all, everything was nothing until it became something.

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