Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Magical Beings

Whether you accept it, understand it, or believe it, the fact remains that we are all magical beings who have come to earth in order to have the ultimate human experience.  Since that is a fact, no one should ever go without the things that they truly desire to accommodate the wondrous life that they choose to live.  What’s so amazing is, you have been creating and experiencing magic your entire life.  Think about it, have you ever wanted something to happen to or for you and out of nowhere it happened? Have you ever wanted to see or hear from someone and they magically showed up? Have you ever applied for a job you felt you weren’t qualified for and “somehow” you got it? Believe it or not, that was you exercising your magical abilities.  You see, you are in a partnership with the universe, and whenever you passionately desire something the universe will see to it that you get it.  That is the key to unlocking miracles and using your magic.  You have to be passionate about what it is that you desire.  Passion is your magic wand.  You wave the passion over your desire and your magic genie (which is the universe) grants your wish.  If you don’t believe me, all you have to do is try it.  You may or may not get what you want right away,  but I promise you that you WILL get it.  So go out and test this fact because the truth is, whether you consciously make the effort or not you’re doing it anyway.  All the things in your life are a result of using your powers.  So why not do it on purpose and create the ultimate life for yourself.  I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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