Monday, January 30, 2017

Is It Trump's Fault?

There is something that greatly perplexes me about humanity.  Why are we such cry babies? Confused little cry babies at that.  Now I know that statement probably pissed a few of you off, but if you stick with me you'll understand why I said that.  We walk around calling ourselves adults or grown ups but yet we'll relinquish our rights to be that by giving someone else control over our lives.  Everyone is in such an uproar over the things that the newest President has been doing, but no one is in an uproar about the fact that we even have a President to begin with.  How can you be so upset by one man's actions but not at yourself for not realizing that you don't need him to begin with? You go out and vote for someone to control your lives but then get upset with the way they're telling you that you have to live it.  Does that make any sense? It sure as hell doesn't to me, and this doesn't just go for America.  I'm speaking about the total human population.  Every country has someone who calls themselves the "President", and that person was elected by the people in those countries.  How does that happen? How do millions of people give the sole right of one man control over them? Even if there is more than one person.  Let's say there's a committee or board of people.  They usually don't have more than 20 people in them.  How do you allow such a small number to control such a large number? Better yet, how do you allow ANY number to control you? Do you think so little of yourself that you need another person to tell you when to cross the street? Are you that confused in your life that you don't know that when you see a car driving down the street it's best for you to stop before there is an accident? You honestly need someone to put up a light on a corner to tell you to stop? How do you walk around knowing that everything you are doing is because you've allowed someone else to give you permission to do it? We've fallen so deep into this rabbit hole of deception and control that we've completely ignored the arrogance of these people who think they can control something so intangible as time. Telling us to set our clocks back or ahead an hour. This doesn't piss anyone off? You mean to tell me that you're ok with this?

I had a conversation with a few of my friends awhile back and we were discussing the need for laws.  Of course, my stance was that laws made of man were not needed.  However, I did have a few friends who adamantly felt that laws were needed.  Stating that people can't just walk around doing what they wanted to do.  I couldn't understand the logic behind that statement.  What was even worse, is that I came to realize that the masses think that way.  Out of 20 people, 18 feel there should be laws given to us by someone else.  However, out of those 18 that feel there should be laws, all 18 had a certain law that they felt was either too strict or down right stupid.  I'm trying to wrap my mind around how that could even make sense.  How do you want laws but cry about the types of laws given? How do you want to be free and then give someone else the right to tell you what freedom is? Then we turn around and raise our children with the same type of illogical thinking, and then cry about how their future is being jeopardized.  How do you send your children to school but then cry over the curriculum being taught? It's because of this confused form of adult thinking that this world is in the chaotic state that it's in.  Everyone is always so ready to march and riot for a cause but no one wants to march for the problem. Why stand with picket signs protesting laws you don't like right after you chose the person who you wanted the laws to come from? Why march to get a President out of office when you didn't march to state that you don't need a President to begin with? You have to pick a side.  Either you're going to stand up and realize that this is your human experience to have and that you control how you experience it, or you're going to allow someone else to tell you how to live it.  If you choose the latter, you can't cry about how it turns out.  Even if your argument is that you didn't vote for the President that won so therefore you're validated in protesting things that they do.  You're not validated in your protest, because what you don't realize is that it doesn't matter which ONE you voted for.  The point is the fact that you voted PERIOD.  This form of brainwashing has been going on for far too long.  When is enough, enough?

 When are we going to start knowing in ourselves and trust that we know how to treat each other without someone else telling us how to do it? When are we going to start saying "it's not about what country you live in, it's about the earth we all share"? We are all so divided by "race", cultures, money and nationalities, that we make it very easy for those who want to control us to do so.  So what is it going to take to make it right? Sadly, it's going to take a catastrophic event on a global scale to get people to wake up and unite as one rather than being separated from the hole and controlled by one.  This is something that I absolutely do not want to happen.  No one wants to see or experience calamity, but let's be honest.  Aren't we doing that already? It's time to wake up people.  If not for ourselves, do it for the children that we bring into this world that we claim to love so much.  Change has to be made, but we can't leave it up to future generations to do it while we're here now fully capable.  Stand up or shut up when you're being walked over.  THE TIME IS NOW!!!

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